
Nissan Leaf Bus Bar Kit

(1 customer review)

Original price was: $110.00.Current price is: $90.00.


Copper busbar segments that allow you to wire a 10p14s battery bank using Nissan Leaf modules. 


Product Description:

Busbar A allows you to series together the stacks of Leaf modules to build up the overall voltage of the battery. This busbar is 1/16th inch thick.

Busbar B is the narrowest busbar, it parallels the center taps of the Leaf modules to ensure they are always balanced. This busbar is 3/64th inch thick.

Busbar C is the tallest and widest segment, it parallels the current carrying terminals of the battery modules. This busbar is 3/64th inch thick.

  • If you have fewer modules in parallel, you can cut the busbar segments A and B shorter to fit your application.
  • The Busbars are covered in a corrosion preventing lubricant from the manufacturing process, please clean the lubricant off with rubbing alcohol or a dry rag before use. 
48V Kit includes:
  • 6 A pieces
  • 7 B pieces
  • 14 C pieces

Pro Tip: Oil from fingerprints will corrode the copper at an accelerated rate, thoroughly wipe the plates with dry cotton towels before screwing them down and use gloves while handling

1 review for Nissan Leaf Bus Bar Kit

  1. Great quality and great fit. I used these to make a solar battery backup system for our house. They do seem a little thin for 200 amps but would be fine for anything under that. I used two sets and never pull more than 100 amps through either set so they are perfect for me. All the holes match perfectly. It sure beats making them yourself.

    Doug Le

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